On the web-site parents/guardians may find applications for Mary C. Forbes Charitable Foundation for each applicant to complete and upload using the contact form.

Under the terms of the Foundation, elementary and high schools students from within the Diocese of St. Petersburg who are active practitioners of the Roman Catholic faith may apply for scholarship assistance in pursuing the Catholic education.  The applicant must also be practicing their Catholic faith by regular attendance at Mass and receipt of the Sacraments available to them.  The award of scholarships shall be based significantly upon financial need.

A committee has been established to review applications that are submitted. Annual awards that may be granted are not automatically renewable.  Each year a new application must be completed and submitted.  Determination of scholarship awards shall be in the sole and absolute discretion of the Trustee in partnership with each school.  A School Award List will be sent to each school with the name of each individual student who applied for the scholarship assistance and noted if he/she is eligible.  Each scholarship awarded by the Foundation will be given directly to the school enabling the Principal and financial person to disburse the monies to the most deserving families.  The school will then list attendance of students and amounts of awards made.  Two checks will be remitted during the school year, one in the fall and one in the spring for balance of the award.  However, prior to issuing your fall check we must be in receipt of your School Financial Report that is due at the end of each school year. 

Please download a school financial form for your completion which will provide the scholarship committee with data concerning other financial aid that may be available to the student from your parish, the Diocese, or from other sources. This financial form must be delivered to the Trustee with a postmark no later than June 30th.  If the student applicant who has been awarded a scholarship withdraws from the school, or the family’s financial circumstance change, you are authorized to redistribute the monies to another deserving family on the award list. 

This Foundation is not in any way associated with the Diocese of St. Petersburg.  It is a separate entity which has been created for scholarship assistance to those applicants who my qualify.

Your assistance in the application process will be helpful as we believe you will have initial insight in identifying students attending your school, or those newly registering who need scholarship assistance.  The scholarship applications must be completed and return to the Trustee by April 30th

If you have any questions concerning applying for scholarship assistance from the Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Very truly yours, D’Arcy R. Clarie, Trustee


Please mail in the Financial Report and Student List to the below address.


Submit Application and Income Tax Return Form

Fill in the form below, select your school, upload your student application and income tax return forms using the Choose Files button, and click send.

Submit Application and Income Tax Return Form